2 Customizing girafe animations
You can customize tooltip style, mouse hover effects, toolbar position and many details.
This requires usage of css
instructions and options. The function girafe
has an argument options
, a list
of options to customize the rendering with calls to dedicated functions, i.e. opts_tooltip()
, opts_toolbar()
, opts_hover()
, …
We will use the following graphic to illustrate available options:
<- rownames_to_column(mtcars, var = "carname")
<- ggplot(
gg_scatter data = mtcars_db,
mapping = aes(
x = disp, y = qsec, color = wt,
# here we add iteractive aesthetics
tooltip = carname, data_id = carname
+ geom_point_interactive(
)) size = 3, hover_nearest = TRUE)
2.1 Global option definition
Default values are frequently used when creating “girafe” objects. It is recommended to specify them only once in the R session in order to obtain homogeneous interactive graphics.
When a ‘girafe’ is created (when function girafe()
is called), some default values are used as the css for hover effects or css for tooltips.
User can read them with function get_flextable_defaults()
<- girafe_defaults()
z $opts_hover$css z
[1] ".hover_data_SVGID_ { fill:#f24f26;stroke:#333333;cursor:pointer; }\ntext.hover_data_SVGID_ { stroke:none;fill:#f24f26; }\ncircle.hover_data_SVGID_ { fill:#f24f26;stroke:#333333; }\nline.hover_data_SVGID_, polyline.hover_data_SVGID_ { fill:none;stroke:#f24f26; }\nrect.hover_data_SVGID_, polygon.hover_data_SVGID_, path.hover_data_SVGID_ { fill:#f24f26;stroke:none; }\nimage.hover_data_SVGID_ { stroke:#f24f26; }"
These default properties will be used when creating the graphics. They can be updated with function set_girafe_defaults()
To set global options that apply to all graphics and get homogeneous interactive behavior and design, call set_girafe_defaults()
at the beginning of your R Markdown document or R script.
<- girafe_css_bicolor(primary = "yellow", secondary = "red")
opts_hover = opts_hover(css = css_default_hover),
opts_zoom = opts_zoom(min = 1, max = 4),
opts_tooltip = opts_tooltip(css = "padding:3px;background-color:#333333;color:white;"),
opts_sizing = opts_sizing(rescale = TRUE),
opts_toolbar = opts_toolbar(saveaspng = FALSE, position = "bottom", delay_mouseout = 5000)
girafe(ggobj = gg_scatter)
2.2 Tooltip options
Tooltip visual aspect and position can be defined with function opts_tooltip()
2.2.1 Tooltip position
The arguments offx
and offy
of function opts_tooltip()
are used to offset tooltip position. Default offset is 10 pixels horizontally to the mouse position (offx=10
) and 0 pixels vertically (offy=0
ggobj = gg_scatter,
options = list(
opts_tooltip(offx = 20, offy = 20)
) )
If argument use_cursor_pos
is set to FALSE, the tooltip will be fixed at offx
and offy
ggobj = gg_scatter,
options = list(opts_tooltip(
offx = 60,
offy = 60, use_cursor_pos = FALSE
)) )
2.2.2 Tooltip style
The function opts_tooltip()
has an argument named css
. It can be used to add css declarations to customize tooltip rendering.
Each css declaration includes a property name and an associated value. Property names and values are separated by colons and name-value pairs always end with a semicolon. For example
. Common properties are :
- background-color: background color
- color: elements color
- border-style, border-width, border-color: border properties
- width, height: size of tooltip
- padding: space around content
- opacity: background opacity (default to 0.9)
Let’s add a pink rectangle with round borders and a few other details to make it nice:
<- "background-color:#d8118c;color:white;padding:5px;border-radius:3px;"
tooltip_css girafe(
ggobj = gg_scatter,
options = list(
opts_tooltip(css = tooltip_css, opacity = 1),
opts_sizing(width = .7)
) )
Do not surround css
value by curly braces, girafe
function takes care of that.
2.2.3 Auto coloring
In function opts_tooltip()
, set argument use_fill
to TRUE and the background color of tooltip will always use use elements’fill property to color tooltip. Argument use_stroke
is to be used to apply the same to the border color of the tooltip.
ggobj = gg_scatter + scale_color_viridis_c(),
options = list(
opts_tooltip(use_fill = TRUE),
opts_sizing(width = .7)
) )
Package ggiraph
enable elements to be dynamic when mouse is hovering over them. This is possible when an element is associated with a data_id
The dynamic aspect of elements can be defined with css code by the user. There are several ways to define these settings.
2.3 Hover effects
The elements that are associated with a data_id
are animated when the mouse hovers over them. Clicks and hover actions on these elements are also available as reactive values in shiny applications.
These animations can be configured using the following functions:
for the animation of panel elementsopts_hover_key()
for the animation of the elements of the legendsopts_hover_theme()
for the animation of the elements of the theme
These functions all have a css
argument that defines via CSS instructions the style to use when the mouse passes over them. css
here is relative to SVG elements. SVG attributes are listed here. Common properties are:
- fill: background color
- stroke: color
- stroke-width: border width
- r: circle radius (no effect if Firefox is used).
To fill elements in yellow and add a black stroke, opts_hover
call should be used as below:
ggobj = gg_scatter,
options = list(
opts_hover(css = "fill:yellow;stroke:black;stroke-width:3px;")
) )
Another option can be used to alter aspect of non hovered elements. It is very useful to highlight hovered elements when the density of the elements is high by fixing less opacity on the other elements.
<- readRDS("data/species-ts.RDS")
<- ggplot(dat, aes(x = date, y = score,
gg colour = species, group = species)) +
geom_line_interactive(aes(tooltip = species, data_id = species)) +
scale_color_viridis_d() +
labs(title = "move mouse over lines")
<- girafe(ggobj = gg, width_svg = 8, height_svg = 6,
x options = list(
opts_hover_inv(css = "opacity:0.1;"),
opts_hover(css = "stroke-width:2;")
)) x
2.3.1 Detailled control
Now there are cases where css expressions will have to be configured with more caution.
Let’s have a look at the following example ; if you put your mouse hover points or text, you will see that the animation is not adapted to the text. Text should instead be animated with another css property.
<- ggplot(head(mtcars_db), aes(
gg x = disp, y = qsec, label = carname,
data_id = carname, color = wt
)) geom_text_interactive(vjust = 2) +
ggobj = gg,
options = list(
opts_hover(css = "fill:red;stroke:black;")
) )
Function girafe_css
is to be used in that case, it allows to specify individual styles for various SVG elements.
ggobj = gg,
options = list(
css = girafe_css(
css = "fill:purple;stroke:black;",
text = "stroke:none;fill:red;"
) )
2.4 Zoom
You can activate zoom; set zoom_max
(maximum zoom factor) to a value greater than 1. If the argument is greater than 1, a toolbar will appear when mouse will be over the graphic.
Click on the icons in the toolbar to activate or desactivate the zoom.
ggobj = gg_scatter,
options = list(
opts_sizing(width = .7),
opts_zoom(max = 5)
) )