
The packages


The data

The data are as follows:

cancer_data <- fread("Cancer.dat")
cancers <- dcast(cancer_data, formula = time ~ histology + stage,
                         fill = 0, value.var = "count", fun.aggregate = sum)
##    time 1_1 1_2 1_3 2_1 2_2 2_3 3_1 3_2 3_3
## 1:    1   9  12  42   5   4  28   1   1  19
## 2:    2   2   7  26   2   3  19   1   1  11
## 3:    3   9   5  12   3   5  10   1   3   7
## 4:    4  10  10  10   2   4   5   1   1   6
## 5:    5   1   4   5   2   2   0   0   0   3
## 6:    6   3   3   4   2   1   3   1   0   3
## 7:    7   1   4   1   2   4   2   0   2   3

Labels associated with column names are presented below :

cancers_header <- data.frame(
  col_keys = c("time", "1_1", "2_1", "3_1", 
               "1_2", "2_2", "3_2", 
               "1_3", "2_3","3_3"),
  line2 = c("Follow-up", rep("I", 3), rep("II", 3), rep("III", 3)),
  line3 = c("Follow-up", rep(c("1", "2", "3"), 3))
##    col_keys     line2     line3
## 1      time Follow-up Follow-up
## 2       1_1         I         1
## 3       2_1         I         2
## 4       3_1         I         3
## 5       1_2        II         1
## 6       2_2        II         2
## 7       3_2        II         3
## 8       1_3       III         1
## 9       2_3       III         2
## 10      3_3       III         3

Preparation of the coloring function

The package ‘scales’ allows to create functions for coloring which can be used with ‘ggplot2’ but also with other packages like ‘flextable’.

colourer <- col_numeric(
  palette = c("transparent", "red"),
  domain = c(0, 50))

The default flextable

ft <- flextable( cancers, col_keys = cancers_header$col_keys)

The final flextable

We will add the headers, customize the table a little and we will use the bg() function which can use our function as argument.

ft <- set_header_df( ft, mapping = cancers_header, key = "col_keys" ) %>% 
  merge_v(part = "header", j = 1) %>% 
  merge_h(part = "header", i = 1) %>% 
  theme_booktabs(bold_header = TRUE) %>% 
  align(align = "center", part = "all") %>%
    bg = colourer,
    j = ~ . -time,
    part = "body") %>%
  vline(j = c(1, 4, 7), border = fp_border_default())