grid clipping and flextable

An exemple that shows how to transform a flextable into a nice data-visualisation.

Using flextable with ggplot2 and patchwork

Examples that show how to use flextable::gen_grob() and package ‘patchwork’ to mix graphics and tables.

Demographic Tables with flextable

This example shows how to use flextable to produce demographic tables using summarizor().

Shift Tables with flextable

This example show how to use flextable to produce shift tables by using shift_table() and flextable::tabulator().

Separate column names in header

This example show how to separate collapsed colnames into multiple rows with a dataset produced by dplyr::summarise().

Dataset summary with summarizor

This example show how to create a table presenting statistical summary of the columns of a data.frame with function summarizor().

Nice cross-tabulated flextable

How to create a nice cross-tabulated flextable from aggregations. This example demonstrate how to use function tabulator().

Columns names with Katex

This example shows how to create a flextable equations in header by using LaTeX equations.

Insert equations

This example shows how to add ‘Latex’ equations into a flextable.

Define how the text is displayed

Demonstration of formatting capabilities for cell content of various types such as numeric columns, dates, strings.


Apply a color gradient on a contingency table.

GAM model

How to get a flextable from a GAM model by calling as_flextable.

Ranking of tennis players

Mix text and images inside a flextable with the functions compose and as_image.

captions examples

How to add captions to a flextable in R Markdown documents. These examples demonstrate various methods.

Correlation matrix

How to add create a flextable that looks like an heatmap.

GLM model

This example illustrates the creation of a flextable from a GLM model with a simple call to as_flextable.

Mario kart

Mix text and image to build a table presenting statistics of Mario Kart characters.

Table with density lines

In this example, we create a flextable that represents aggregations and density curves together.

Inner and outer borders

How to manage regular inner and outer borders.

Creating a theme function

In this example, a theme function is created and used to format different data.frame.